Recently, we conducted a research survey of nearly 2,000 hyperhidrosis patients. The eye-opening results were just published in the peer-reviewed journal Dermatologic Surgery with a call to action for clinicians and industry to provide flexible treatment options that meet patients’ needs across the entire disease – not just parts of it. (Help us spread the word that hyperhidrosis is real, it’s serious, and it’s hurting lives, feelings, and dreams right now. Watch our awareness-building video above and share it often.)
1. Excessive sweating of multiple body areas AT THE SAME TIME (multifocal hyperhidrosis) is common
According to our research published in Dermatologic Surgery:
Isn’t it time for researchers, clinicians, and treatment developers to think in multiples and beyond just the underarms, hands and feet?
You can help! Participate in research when you see the recruitment calls go out.
2. Hyperhidrosis affects more kids than realized
Most experts in hyperhidrosis have long agreed that excessive sweating of the hands (palmar hyperhidrosis) usually begins in childhood, before the age of 12. Meanwhile, previous studies have supported the notion that underarm excessive sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) usually starts in young adulthood (about age 22, according to a study from 2004).
Our new research, however, shows that a third of all axillary hyperhidrosis patients say their condition started before the age of 12 – meaning that a lot more children are suffering from embarrassing, debilitating underarm excessive sweating than previously recognized. From social and emotional impairment to struggles in school – there are many ways that excessive sweating hurts children and prevents them from meeting their goals.
We need more safe, reliable pediatric hyperhidrosis treatment options to address this now-proven need.
Talk to your child’s pediatrician about excessive sweating and help educate him or her about the condition and how it affects you or your child. Mention SweatHelp.org and our research.
3. Hyperhidrosis is not something you outgrow
Contrary to popular wisdom, our study found that hyperhidrosis does not go away or decrease with age.
In fact 88% of respondents say their excessive sweating has gotten worse or stayed the same over time. This was consistent across all the different age groups in the study, including older adults.
Just as children with hyperhidrosis deserve to be seen, recognized, and cared for in age-appropriate ways, so do older adults.
Stop waiting for hyperhidrosis to “just go away.” Your quality of life includes today. Research your treatment options, consider involvement in clinical trials, and talk to a dermatologist about excessive sweating and how much you need a treatment that helps – now.
4. Hyperhidrosis is not “just” a summer thing
Our results also indicate that hyperhidrosis is not simply dictated by the time of year.
• 65% of patients in our survey say that their sweating bothers them equally, no matter the season.
We need to focus on hyperhidrosis awareness, diagnosis, and treatment development regardless of the weather – rain or shine, excessive sweating has serious impacts.
Given that year-round, childhood-onset, lifetime, multifocal hyperhidrosis appears to be the norm, the International Hyperhidrosis Society sees an urgent need for clinicians and industry to provide patients with flexible treatment options that are effective for multiple body areas with safety and tolerability to span a lifetime.
Sure, the temperature is dipping in the northern hemisphere but we know that many of you are still dripping…
Let’s use what we know to make life better. Please spread the word that hyperhidrosis is real, it’s serious, and it’s hurting lives, feelings, and dreams right now.
How? Re-post our video on social media. Write a blog. Be vocal. Hiding a problem doesn’t make it go away!
Make a tax-deductible year end donation to the non-profit International Hyperhidrosis Society so we can translate our video into multiple languages for global awareness. Ask your employer to match that donation. Every $1 counts.
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