Heading to the doctor’s office (again) to try (again) to get the right treatment for that I-Sweat-Buckets problem? Use our checklist to help you find a great (maybe even ideal) doctor like Dr. Zakiya Rice at Emory…
In 2016, than 10,000 dermatologists headed to Washington, D.C. for the American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual Meeting, where there were SIX courses featuring hyperhidrosis care and FOUR of our Board Members took center stage. They are our rockstars!
What’s that got to do with you?
With more healthcare providers learning how to treat hyperhidrosis using all the options available, we want to make this the year you find great hyperhidrosis care. Get started with our find-your-dream-medical-practitioner checklist.
For this exercise we’re using a dermatologist we really love as Exhibit-A-Awesome-Doc. Yep, you are most welcome.
- 1) Learned from best. Meet Dr. Zakiya Rice of Emory University’s School of Medicine, departments of pediatrics and dermatology. Dr. Rice is TRIPLE board-certified in pediatrics, dermatology, and pediatric dermatology, she went to Princeton for undergrad and the University of Washington for medical school. More recently, Dr. Rice became fully indoctrinated in hyperhidrosis care and management thanks to one of the International Hyperhidrosis Society’s (IHHS) Master Classes where our board members Dr. Dee Anna Glaser and Dr. David Pariser dropped knowledge and provided hands-on training. In fact, Dr. Rice showed such dedication to providing great hyperhidrosis care and education that the International Hyperhidrosis Society recruited her to become a teacher, too.
Of course, great doctors like Dr. Rice don’t work alone. Dr. Seuphy Chen also at Emory, among others, deserves a mention here too. A hyperhidrosis advocate, as well, Dr. Chen is director of Emory's Dermatology Clinical and Outcomes Research Unit and has been recognized by both the National Institutes of Health and the Veterans Administration for her outstanding work as a researcher and physician.
To find yourself a great doctor like Dr. Chen or Dr. Rice, use our Physician Finder. In the “Options” area check the box for “Attended IHHS education and training sessions” to narrow your search.
- 2) Dedicated to people like you. To help ensure that hyperhidrosis patients get the care, attention, and efficiency they need, Dr. Rice has started a focused hyperhidrosis clinic to help both pediatric and adult patients – which is important because 80% of underarm hyperhidrosis cases start before the age of 18 and 66% of palmar and plantar sweating cases start before the age of 12! The Emory clinic sees solely hyperhidrosis patients on the third Friday of every month. Yes, Dr. Rice is an #HHero! (Know an #HHero? Share at @SweatHelpOrg on Twitter!)
- 3) Oozes empathy. “One of my first patients with hyperhidrosis,” says Dr. Rice, “was a young man with significant palmar hyperhidrosis and he was suffering from clinical depression. He was struggling at school, unable to complete many daily activities, unable to interact with peers, and his love of baseball was being strained. Holding a bat had become impossible. He helped me see firsthand the quality-of-life impact that hyperhidrosis can have.” Dr. Rice adds, “There is not a single patient with hyperhidrosis who has come to see me whose situation has not resonated with me.”
- 4) Gets in your (basketball) shoes. Ok, this is a do-over of #3 but it’s earned a repeat. In her day, Dr. Rice was a serious player! A basketball player that is. She dribbled and shot on the varsity team at Princeton University. No small feat, but she admits that had she suffered from untreated palmar hyperhidrosis like many of our readers, she would never have had such an illustrious athletic career. Swish. She sooo gets it!
- 5) Wants something better for you, now. There are more minimally invasive, effective and safe treatment options on the horizon for hyperhidrosis and Dr. Rice is working to get these treatments to patients through to the Emory Dermatology Clinical and Outcome Research Unit, directed by none other than another #HHero Dr Chen! As always, watch this blog for updates on clinical trials coming to a clinic near you.
There are lots of great healthcare providers out there who really care about helping people with hyperhidrosis. Dr. Rice is just one of them. Let this list help and inspire you to find the care YOU need, and certainly deserve.