Sweat Equity: Exclusive Coupon Codes on Favs!

Excessive sweating exacts a heavy emotional toll; feelings of isolation, embarrassment, even shame, are experienced universally. The physical toll of this disease is just as debilitating: Soggy sweaty palms, wet underarms, slippery feet, drenched back, dripping sweaty face, waking in a puddle of sweat in bed...result in chronic discomfort and irritation and can be a real impediment to doing everyday tasks, like operating a Smart-phone or holding a pen, to selecting clothes that reflect your true style instead of masking massive sweat stains. The International Hyperhidrosis Society is always on the lookout for products or ideas that may help to ease some of the daily discomforts of hyperhidrosis. And when we find a product that is effective, we want to share that information with all sufferers.

The launch of the newly redesigned SweatHelp.org website this month features a completely overhauled and updated Deals and Discounts page where we've made lots of useful products available for purchase. Hyperhidrosis sufferers (and those who love and care for them) will find some innovative products that will be helpful no matter where on the body you or your loved one sweats. Best of all, when our members use our promo codes from the Deals and Discounts page, they will, of course, receive a special discount (or a deal!).

Here’s a sampling of what’s currently available on this page: If you have palmar hyperhidrosis (excessively sweaty hands) you may be relieved to find gloves made with an extra-absorbent wool blend from Occupational Textile Solutions. Not just for cold weather (although they are great for that), these liners mean no more sweat-soaked gloves in below-freezing temperatures plus they also allow sweaty hands to safely operate handheld electronic devices.

If you have plantar hyperhidrosis (super-sweaty feet) you may have given up hope of ever wearing sandals or any open footwear. Good news! You will be delighted to find great buys on Summer Soles. This IHHS fav are unique shoe liners that are ultra absorbent and come in a variety of styles and colors. They are designed with a special peel and stick backing that stays firmly in place and leaves no residue on your shoe when you remove them. You might even consider buying a pair of sandals this summer...a nice pair!

All excessive sweaters could benefit from Sweat Shield Antiperspirant Wipes made by Kleinert’s. These wipes are made with a powerful 15% aluminum chlorohydrate formula that includes soothing and skin-conditioning extracts, like aloe, cucumber, and marshmallow root. Dab the formula on the affected area before bed (use just about once per week) and you may wake up with better control over your excessive sweating.  As with all antiperspirants, to keep irritation at bay, make sure your skin is dry before applying.The formula will not wash off in the shower or when washing your hands.

Some items on the Deals and Discounts page, note how other users have rated these products; others include comments in their product descriptions. If we've tried an item and liked it, we definitely want you to know about it. People can also post their own product suggestions and reviews on our Facebook page, which is another great resource for finding products that have been effective for other sufferers in the IHHS community.

Physical comfort is rare for anyone with excessive sweating. Help yourself (or someone you care about) experience a little relief from the daily discomforts of hyperhidrosis by shopping for great products on the sweat-busting Deals and Discounts page. You’ll not only be benefiting by purchasing items here, you’ll also be helping the International Hyperhidrosis Society to carry on with its mission of providing the best possible care for everyone affected by excessive sweating. Additionally, we all know that the costs of supplies for managing excessive sweating can really add up. Shopping using the IHHS coupon codes will ultimately help to ease the financial burden of hyperhidrosis care while simultaneously relieving the physical burden. We all win! Start shopping today—stock up and save at every turn!

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